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Exhibit Design & Museum-Related Projects

For the Los Angeles Trade Technical College in downtown Los Angeles, I was asked to consult on the color for Sequoia Hall, which was due for an improvement. The color was a contentious debate amongst the senior staff members, and they needed another viewpoint after coming to unsatisfactory ends with other architects and designers.


At my urging, the project morphed into a campus-wide color palette review for all buildings moving forward. Recommendations were made that would be sympathetic with existing colorways, and the palette was simplified overall. The painting effort is currently in production, and the senior staff couldn't be happier with the results.


See PDF for color overview.


All images are © LATTC


Before: The LATTC sign was dull and easily missed.


After: The LATTC sign was painted with the school's colors to enhance visibility. It is currently under repair.


Sequoia Hall Paint Test


The LATTC campus


The LATTC campus


The LATTC Campus

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